na itt van a lényeg, amiről én is meg Negan is magyaráz:
". Basic SIGINT, like collecting waveforms and other radiation and position data from radars and communications nodes and cataloguing those for future reference"
ez a basic dolog, amit utána leírsz, kb. ugyanaz amit egy modern vadászgép EW rendszere is tud (feltehetően itt nagyobb antennaméretek vannak, ezért nagyobb lehet a band coverage)
de nem véletlen, hogy a SAAB-nak sem volt pofája ahhoz, hogy ezt valódi elint/sigint képességként reklámozza (nem véletlen nem is szerepelt abban a felsorolásban, amit fentebb beraktam...amit persze a nyelvészúrnak nem méltóztatott lefordítani, inkább jött a bullshit helyette)
Egyre nagyobb okorsegekbe szaladsz megint bele, mert megint nem ertettel valamit es most belefeszultsz.
@rudi szokasos tempojat hozza: ez egy finn blogger, aki angolul ir, a sved geprol.

Te most mar ebbe probalsz kapaszkodni...

Pontosan ugyanugy jarsz megint, mint amikor a FT cikkbe egtel bele olyan kinosan...
SAAB cites Electronic warfare capabilities as part of GlobalEye platform. These range from basic SIGINT and COMINT packages to radar jamming and communication suppression capabilities. Basic SIGINT, like collecting waveforms and other radiation and position data from radars and communications nodes and cataloguing those for future reference.
The basic jamming apparatus is the main sensor, the Erieye ER radar. These cababilities take advantage of power and versatility of the radar, to mimic different wave forms and and broad band of frequencies in order to suppress or jam the enemy integrated air defense and their communications. SO GlobalEye is mini “Compass Call” as well, and SAAB can provide significant EW capability to her customers..."
Magyarán: a a GlobalEye nak van egy alap SIGINT (basic SIGINT) képessége ami azt jelenti hogy képes gyűjteni a a radarokról és kommunikációs csomópontokból vett jelek hullámformáit és egyéb sugárzási és pozícióadatokat, valamint a jövőbeni referencia céljából való képes ezeket katalogizálni.
Természetesen a gép
NEM (!!) SIGINT feladatokra van kihegyezve - erre a feladatra a Svédeknek és a GlobalEye mai napig egyetlen vásárlójának az UAE nek is külön specializált gépei vannak.
"Posted on March 29, 2018 by epamuodikkaitaajatuksia"
Finn hobby blog, aki angolul irogat a sved rendszerrol?

Idaig jutottatok?
Lassunk akkor par linket olyan oldalarol, akik
ebbol elnek.
Kezdesnek jojjon a gyarto, a Saab - 2016:
Defence and security company Saab extends its airborne early warning and control portfolio, with the introduction of the GlobalEye multi-role airborne surveillance system.
"“GlobalEye is a game changer that delivers a unique swing-role capability for simultaneous air, maritime and ground surveillance in a single solution, with the ability to change role dynamically, while airborne during any mission. At the same time, this leap in technology means that we can ensure future state-of-the-art upgrades to our existing Erieye customers” says Fredrik Gustafson.
The GlobalEye integrates a comprehensive suite of sensors, including signals intelligence, and advanced self-protection equipment with a newly-developed command, control and communication system. A large proportion of GlobalEye’s sub systems are sourced from Saab’s world-leading product range."
2021 december 1:
Safeguarding a nation’s airspace has become increasingly challenging. Threats evolve, adapt and are more difficult to detect. Discovering and countering these threats in real-time is crucial for a nation's defensive ability. Here is how Saab and GlobalEye help nations and their forces to prevail...
"You also require the ability to share this information with relevant parts at different levels of the organization. With GlobalEye AEW&C you can.
Multi-role in a single solution
GlobalEye is an airborne early warning and control system that combines long-range and swing-role surveillance capabilities with a robust multi-role capability. This gives you the unique advantage of an aircraft capable of airborne, maritime, and ground surveillance as well as signals intelligence, simultaneously. GlobalEye can even switch tasks during ongoing missions. All this in one single platform that would normally require three separate platforms to perform these tasks."
Ez az a multirole szerep, amit mar magyaraztam: ha a fullos kiepitest rendeled, akkor egy full, real-time, onboard sigint es EW feldolgozo centert is kapsz 4-5 workstationnel, mindennel.
"GlobalEye can collect, process and distribute information, not only to the airborne forces available, but to all authorities and assets. It also facilitates effective sharing of information with everyone involved in an operation and can even direct and manage other assets, for instance fighters, and let them know when and where to act.
By being able to discover threats sooner, GlobalEye makes way for faster, more accurate decisions based on secure, real-time exchange of information between co-operating tactical units on land, at sea, and in the air. This first-to-know capability means faster and more agile actions and mission effects. All together ensuring improved survivability of assets.
The right asset, in the right place, at the right time
Having the right information means you can make the right decisions. GlobalEye allows national security forces to optimise their actions and maximise their operational performance by acting as a strategic hub, analyzing information and providing the joint perspective, distributing information across the different domains, as well as directing and co-ordinating other national assets.
Seamless integration with fighters
GlobalEye is designed to enable seamless integration with fighters as well as joint forces. This means that the additional early warning time provided by GlobalEye reduces the need to have fighters on Combat Air Patrol (CAP). Instead, the fighters can stay on the ground – fully prepared and ready to counter any intruder – until they are needed in the air, allowing for a more efficient use of resources.
Integrated self-protection suite
Being a valuable national asset, special mission aircraft such as the GlobalEye AEW&C need to be able to defend themselves in today’s shifting threat environments. Therefore, GlobalEye is also equipped with a cutting-edge passive sensors suite based upon Saab’s newest generation of common core multi-domain EW systems. It includes, for instance, ultra-wide band digital receivers as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI) for robust signal processing and analysis."
Nem forditom le, megint azt promozzak, hogy kepes minden stakeholdernek egyideju, atfogo kepet biztositani, amihez a legujabb technologiakat integraltak.
Mar anno a bejelentese korul is eleg egyertelmu volt volt, hogy a legdragabb verziot rendelve sigint kepeseggel jon a gep - 2016:
New flexible Bombardier Global 6000 platform and Erieye radar make for a highly capable surveillance platform.
"The flexibility of the system allows the aircraft to undertake several different tasks within one mission, including simultaneous operations, and to seamlessly switch between them.
The UAE signed for its two aircraft (and an upgrade for its current Saab 340 platforms with Erieye ER) last November 8, and the first Global 6000 airframe is due to arrive soon at Saab’s plant for outfitting with mission systems, many of which have been partly integrated into the overall system. The delivery cycle is around three years. Saab is offering the GlobalEye in differing configurations, such as an AEW-dedicated version to which the maritime radar and EO sensors, and/or the dedicated signals intelligence system, could subsequently be added if desired."
Friss, a harom verziot vilagosan leirja:
GlobalEye airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft is a new multi-role airborne surveillance system developed by Saab. The aircraft is capable of offering air, maritime and ground surveillance on a single platform. It can operate in dedicated or multiple roles and has the ability to...
"GlobalEye variants
The GlobalEye AEW&C platform is offered in three different configurations according to customer-specific requirements. The base configuration is equipped with the AEW&C capability to deliver aerial, maritime and ground surveillance.
The second variant integrates additional maritime surveillance radar and electro-optical sensors to transform the base platform to offer enhanced maritime and ground capabilities. The third version incorporates new sensors for electronic intelligence (ELINT) and signals intelligence (SIGINT) capability."
Zarszonak: komolyan, napok ota erolkodtok itt, kinosabbnal-kinosabb, hajanal fogva elorangatott mellebeszelest eloadva, semi-broken angollal stb - mikozben minden linken le van irva a kepesseg, sot, tegnap el is magyaraztam itt, hogyan is mukodik az egesz real-time networked EW, sigintet beleertve.
Total gyerekes.