<blockquote rel="Panzerfaust">http://m.msk.kp.ru/daily/26333.7/3216198/
Az egyik hozzászólo:
Жители Мариуполя сообщают, что за полчаса до обстрела в пострадавшем районе неожиданно отключили газ, свет и воду.
Mariopol lakosai arról számoltak be, hogy a rakétatámadások elott fél órával lekapcsolták a gáz, víz és villany szolgáltatást.</blockquote>
Ezt a twitteren is lehetett olvasni. Egyeseknek még az is feltűnt, hogy az ukrán katonák a város belseje felé - nyugatra távoztak, meglehetős hirtelenséggel. Ez szokatlan volt, mert ha parancsot kapnak akkor az utolsó emberig védik a kijelölt állásaikat. Pl. a legutóbb Krasnij Partizán mellett, ahol egy részük fogságba esett, a többieket harcban lelőttek. Mondta is a támadást vezető szakadár parancsnok, szóltak nekik, hogy menjetek el és akkor nem lesz semmi. Az ukránok nemet mondtak, aztán az lett a vége, hogy fiatal gyerekek holttesteit mutogatták a tudósítóknak, meg azokat akik szerencsésen fogságba estek.
A mariupoliak azt mondták, a Grad-ok észak felől csapódtak be, ahol nemrég még ukránok állomásoztak. Úgy vélik az akció célja az, hogy a helyieket a milicia ellen hangolják
"Everything is quiet now, overnight, in the morning as I checked our Mariupol forums online, everything was quiet. Judging by those photos and videos, of which there are many online, I, as a Mariupol resident for 40 years, determined the direction as North - North-East.
Furthermore, a good friend of my father's lives there. His balcony was taken out by the MRLS rocket. His balcony is on the Northern side of the building.
What OSCE is saying that that shelling was done from East, North-East, and is telling the exact range in kilometeres, I don't believe it, because to determine that in 2 hours is impossible. And there is no trust in OSCE.
In Vostochnij, which was under shelling yesterday, got lights around 9. Half the district still has no heat.
Everyithing is quiet in the city. We don't see any additional patrols
Northern direction is the village of Sartana, Ilichansk district, this is Mariupol. Behind it on so called cement are standing the Grads of UAF, and the entire Mariupol knows about it. And they are shooting from there. As people are thinking, after the UAF checkpoint at Vinogradnij was attacked by NAF, UAF gave a shot as a response.
And another moment - half an hour before the shelling, my friend from that district Vostochnij contacted me, and said that they lost their electricity, heat and water. So everything was shot off half an hour before. So may be it was on purpose.
There are two versions among Mariupol residents - provocation or a miss.
Most residents of Mariupol are waiting for the Army of Novorossia. And don't want to see the armed soldiers of Ukraine. Especially battalion Azov, which is located in school # 62 on the left bank. Because during the time that they had been here, there are many incidents with these soldiers. They pull over vehicles drunk with weapons, demanding money, people are disappearing, so people want them to disappear as soon as possible.