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Harkovnál is dübörög az ukrán offenzíva szétszórt kis csoportokban támogatás nélkül, ahogy azt a nato-ban oktatják
Ukrainian anon reporting in
What has happened in my country today?
The (((official))) media are telling us that:
- Some reporter killed in Las Vegas (https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime...rter-jeff-german-killed-outside-home-2634323/) I have no idea why it's in the local news here
Ukrainian anon reporting in
What has happened in my country today?
The (((official))) media are telling us that:
- Missile strikes in Kryvyi Rih. Oil depot was set on fire.
- Kherson counter offensive continues (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/...son-unleashes-worst-hell-of-the-war-q20tsxvkl)
- A man was arrested in Lviv for helping men leave the country as volunteers or drivers (for about 6000 USD)
- Ukrainian disloyal whores attract millionaires (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...red-Ukrainian-refugee-39-dumped-wife-for.html)
- Latvia returned mandatory military service. It was canceled in 2007
- Some reporter killed in Las Vegas (https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime...rter-jeff-german-killed-outside-home-2634323/) I have no idea why it's in the local news here