A szíriai, iraki, afgán stb háborús menekültek visszatoloncolása ellen nem álltatok ki...
Senkit sem kuldenek vissza
addig, amig haboru van, de utana igen. No meg ha jol emlekszem, ott nem is Magyarorszagra akartak jonni, hanem a nemetekhez, raadasul azok nem szomszedok es nem kisebbsegi magyarok, mint a karpataljaiak...
Es ha mar haboru:
Már létezik az ukrán Moszad.
En tegnap olvastam az
eredetit, ez kivetelesen egy jo magyar osszefoglalo.
Ez viszont mai, es egy interju Zelenszkijjel:
Despite slow progress in the counter-offensive, the West must maintain its support for Ukraine, says the president
This year, the atmosphere is very different. Three months into its counter-offensive, Ukraine has made only modest progress along the all-important southern axis in the Zaporizhia region, where it is trying to sever Vladimir Putin’s “land bridge” from Russia to Crimea. The question of how long that will take, or whether it will succeed, weighs on the minds of Western leaders. They still talk the good talk, pledging that they will stand with Ukraine “as long as it takes”. But Mr Zelensky, a former television actor with an acute sense of his audience, has detected a change of mood among some of his partners. “I have this intuition, reading, hearing and seeing their eyes [when they say] ‘we’ll be always with you,’” he says, speaking in English (a language in which he is increasingly fluent). “But I see that he or she is not here, not with us.”
He opens his hands in a gesture of frustration. Some partners might see Ukraine’s recent difficulties on the battlefield as a reason to force it into negotiations with Russia. But “this is a bad moment, since Putin sees the same.”
Itt joen egy resz, ahol az oroszokrol allitja, hogy hosszu tavon ok nem fogjak gazdasagilag (!) birni, avagy hogy az egyre surubb orosz belfoldi ukran csapasok miatt majd az oroszok is megkerdojelezik az orosz eroket, amikor nem tudjak oket majd megvedeni stb stb.
Aztan ujra belecsap a szuggesztiv marketingbe:
At the same time, Ukraine’s president is keenly aware of the risks to his country if the West starts to withdraw its economic support. That would damage not just Ukraine’s economy, but its war effort, too. He puts it in stark terms. “If you are not with Ukraine, you are with Russia, and if you are not with Russia, you are with Ukraine. And if partners do not help us, it means they will help Russia to win. That is it.” With several of his Western allies (including America) holding elections next year, Mr Zelensky knows that sustaining support will be difficult, especially in the absence of significant progress at the front.
Ukraine’s president has excelled at appealing to Western publics, often over the heads of their politicians. He still believes that the best way “to convince governments, [to make them] believe they are on the right side, is by pushing them via the media. People read, people discuss, people make up their minds and people push,” he says. It was public opinion that drove politicians to increase arms supplies to Ukraine in the early days of the war. Scaling down that help, he argues, may anger not just Ukrainians but Western voters. They will start asking what the whole effort was for. “People will not forgive [their leaders] if they lose Ukraine.”
If Mr Putin hopes that a victory by Donald Trump in America’s presidential election in 2024 would deliver him victory, he is mistaken. Trump would “never” support Vladimir Putin. “That isn’t what strong Americans do.” He expects Joe Biden will stay the course if he is re-elected. (“Do they want Afghanistan, part two?”) And he hopes that the European Union will not only keep supplying aid, but will open negotiations over the accession process for Ukraine this year. (That move is widely expected to happen at a summit in December.) “It will support morale in Ukraine. It will give this energy to people.”
Hat, Amerikat ismerve, nem tudom, ki az, aki itt nagyobbat teved egy Trump-elnokseg kapcsan...
Putyinnal pedig nem targyal addig, amig ukran teruleten vannak, mondja indulatosan:
A negotiated deal would not be permanent. The Russian president has a habit of creating “frozen conflicts” on Russia’s borders (in Georgia, for example), not as ends in themselves but because his goal is to “restore the Soviet Union”.
Szerinte akik most a targyalasok mellett vannak, azok megukat tevesztik meg, pont ugy, mint azok a nyugati vezetok, akik alairtak az 1938-as muncheni egyezmenyt Hitlerrel, aztan neztek, ahogyan bevonult Csehszlovakiaba:
“The mistake is not diplomacy. The mistake is diplomacy with Putin. He negotiates only with himself.”
Vegen meg raduplaz, hogy marpedig ha csokken a tamogatasuk nyugatol, akkor csak meg tovabb fog tartani a haboru...
...majd, igazan gatlastalanul meg egy
fenyegetest is eload, ami szamomra mar a legalja alatt van az amugy is elkepesztoen primitiv orosz-ukran szinvonalhoz kepest is, miszerint nem lehet megjosolni, a sok millionyi ukran menekult az europai orszagokban hogyan reagalna arra, ha cserben hagynak az anyaorszagukat:
"Ukrainians have generally “behaved well” and are “very grateful” to those who sheltered them. They will not forget that generosity. But it would not be a “good story” for Europe if it were to “drive these people into a corner”.
Erted, milyen jol viselkedunk a gyonyoru orszagaitokban,
milyen kar lenne, ha valami tortenne ezekkel... Valami elkepesztoen faragatlan es gatlastalan-civilizalatlan ez a ficko. A legrosszabb fajta kelet-europai-orosz-ukran, az a tipus, aki kizarolag az erobol ert.
A legvegen elismeri, hogy teljes hadigazdasagra kell nemsokara atallnia az orszagnak, ha sokaig ki akar tartani. Meg tobb ember menne el, esne el. Ezt valahogyan be kellene adni az embereknek, de nem arulja el, hogyan. O 'moralisan' keszen all erre, de csak akkor veszik ezt elo, ha egy trendde valik a gyengeseg Nyugaton - de szerinte meg, halistennek, nem tartunk ott...