Oerlikon Skyranger (Rheinmetall)

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2010. április 19.
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Rheinmetall tests Revolver Gun Mk 3 against UAV swarms

Rheinmetall has recently been testing its 35 mm Revolver Gun Mk 3's capability to engage unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarms. The tests were conducted on the Ochsenboden firing range in Switzerland on 14–18 June.

Gerson Jaklin, marketing and sales manager at Rheinmetall Air Defence, said the gun was mounted on a Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles (RMMV) HX2 6×6 truck with an adaptor plate for easy access to the weapon. Rheinmetall Air Defence CEO Fabian Ochsner described it as “a solid truck” but added that “lots of engineering” was required to stabilise it to the same extent as the concrete platforms used by the Skyguard air defence system.

With 252 ready-to-fire rounds and a rate of fire of 1,000 rds/min, the Revolver Gun Mk 3 can engage four targets at once. Using a Ku-band tracking radar installed on the turret to align it for greater accuracy, it fired 18 rounds of advanced hit efficiency and destruction (AHEAD) air burst munition at a swarm of eight octocopter UAVs at a range of 800–900 m. The version of AHEAD used was the PMD 428 round with more than 600 rather than the usual 152 subprojectiles.


Octocopters begin to drop like flies after being hit by air bursts from AHEAD munition fired by a Revolver Gun Mk 3 at Rheinmetall's Ochsenboden firing range in Switzerland on 23 June. (Rheinmetall Air Defence)

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2010. április 19.
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85 278
Rheinmetall tests Revolver Gun Mk 3 against UAV swarms

Rheinmetall has recently been testing its 35 mm Revolver Gun Mk 3's capability to engage unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarms. The tests were conducted on the Ochsenboden firing range in Switzerland on 14–18 June.

Gerson Jaklin, marketing and sales manager at Rheinmetall Air Defence, said the gun was mounted on a Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles (RMMV) HX2 6×6 truck with an adaptor plate for easy access to the weapon. Rheinmetall Air Defence CEO Fabian Ochsner described it as “a solid truck” but added that “lots of engineering” was required to stabilise it to the same extent as the concrete platforms used by the Skyguard air defence system.

With 252 ready-to-fire rounds and a rate of fire of 1,000 rds/min, the Revolver Gun Mk 3 can engage four targets at once. Using a Ku-band tracking radar installed on the turret to align it for greater accuracy, it fired 18 rounds of advanced hit efficiency and destruction (AHEAD) air burst munition at a swarm of eight octocopter UAVs at a range of 800–900 m. The version of AHEAD used was the PMD 428 round with more than 600 rather than the usual 152 subprojectiles.


Octocopters begin to drop like flies after being hit by air bursts from AHEAD munition fired by a Revolver Gun Mk 3 at Rheinmetall's Ochsenboden firing range in Switzerland on 23 June. (Rheinmetall Air Defence)

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During Rheinmetall's latest edition of the 35mm Air Defence Systems Group event in 2021, Rheinmetall presented the Skynex Air Defence System in a truck-mounted version, successfully engaging a swarm of eight small drones with the 35mm Revolver Gun Mk3.

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(Legyen meg itt is...)


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2021. május 27.
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Ez a teszt nem tűnik tùl èletszerűnek. Gondolom èles helyzetben jobban szètbontakozva ès nagyobb sebessèggel közelednènek a drònok.
  • Imádom
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2015. január 12.
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Piranha Skyranger 30 toronnyal.



Plot twist: emlékszünk még év elején a dán dandártábornok kifakadására a légvédelmi rendszerek hiánya miatt a NATOnak felajánlott dandárban, ami CV90-el és Piranha V-el van felszerelve? Reméljük rendesen mutogatják dán barátainknak hátha megtetszik nekik...
En inkabb abban remenykedem, hogy a Skyranger gyartas is Zalaban vagy Kaposvaron kot ki...


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2010. április 18.
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Valaki nem tudja, hogy mekkora negatív kitéríthetősége a gépágyúnak?


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2021. július 17.
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Megnézném élesben hogy az alsó sort hogy lövöldözi le.
Ha földi telepítésű Phalanx CIWS le tudja szedni ezeket (erről sok viedó látható a YT-on), akkor az RM-nek is elhiszem, hogy megbirkózik vele.
Nyilván minden rendszer túl terhelhető: többszáz célponttal a Skynex is túlterhelhető. Az viszont elég valószínütlen hogy bármely ellenfelünk ekkora tüzet tudna zúdítani egy védett célpontra. Max rakétasorozatvetővel, de ahhoz elég közel kell kerülniük a védett célpontokhoz. (Elsősorban bázisok, raktárak, radarok védelmére van kitalálva ez a cucc, amik a fronttól távolabb vannak - jóval.)
  • Tetszik
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2010. augusztus 2.
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Ha földi telepítésű Phalanx CIWS le tudja szedni ezeket (erről sok viedó látható a YT-on), akkor az RM-nek is elhiszem, hogy megbirkózik vele.
Nyilván minden rendszer túl terhelhető: többszáz célponttal a Skynex is túlterhelhető. Az viszont elég valószínütlen hogy bármely ellenfelünk ekkora tüzet tudna zúdítani egy védett célpontra. Max rakétasorozatvetővel, de ahhoz elég közel kell kerülniük a védett célpontokhoz. (Elsősorban bázisok, raktárak, radarok védelmére van kitalálva ez a cucc, amik a fronttól távolabb vannak - jóval.)
Ezért nem értem a Páncírok kudarcait. Ezeket ugye sose láttuk élesben, hát nem tudhatjuk.
  • Tetszik
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2015. január 12.
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The Skyranger 30 HEL

Rheinmetall's hybrid solution for threat-commensurate, modern mobile air defence​

Laser on board: The Skyranger 30 HEL is a hybrid solution designed to thwart the full range of future airborne threats. Here, the interplay of a 30mm automatic cannon, guided missiles, and a high-energy laser (HEL) results in a mix of effectors unique in this combination. Teamed with a matching sensor mix, the Skyranger 30 HEL can monitor airspace autonomously, while simultaneously selecting the optimum effector in response to emerging threats. The Skyranger 30 HEL can protect mobile units on the march or critical stationary infrastructure and facilities from aerial threats. No matter what the initial situation, an appropriate response is always readily available, assuring adherence to legal requirements and the avoidance of collateral damage.

Thanks to its longstanding experience in the field of ground-based air defence and adherence to a clear technical road map for a future laser weapon system, Rhein¬metall is able to integrate mechanically and systemically a full range of advanced capabilities into a wheeled or tracked mobile platforms such as the Boxer multipurpose wheeled armoured vehicle* or the tracked Lynx KF41 armoured vehicle. Thanks to the highly flexible Skymaster fire control system and state-of-the-art sensors, the effectors achieve maximum tactical impact.

Rheinmetall's HEL effectors consist of a laser source and laser guidance system, both of which are integrated into the vehicle, along with a laser weapon station built into the turret that simultaneously serves as a platform for the electro-optical sensors. The laser weapon station tracks targets automatically, neutralizing them with a laser beam. Thus, the Skyranger 30 HEL is capable of effectively defending assigned airspace with three different effectors – an automatic cannon, guided missiles, and a high-energy laser – with the appropriate level of intensity.

Featuring a rate of fire of 1,200 rounds per minute, the 30mmx173 KCE revolver gun is the world's top-performing weapon in this calibre. Programmable time-delay ammunition enhances the probability of hitting even the smallest aerial targets. The Skyranger 30 HEL's guided missiles increase the system's operational flexibility and maximum range.

In live trials, current technology sample systems for laser weapon systems have successfully achieved laser outputs of 20kW. The ability to increase this figure to 100kW is already an integral feature of this technology. The laser weapon station used here has its own sensors for identifying and tracking targets. Subassemblies coordinated by Rheinmetall to interoperate harmoniously produce the outstanding beam quality of Rheinmetall laser sources even at high-output levels, meaning that they can be directed at the target with high precision. The carrier platform's sophisticated mechanical design assures 100% coverage of assigned airspace. Laser outputs of up 20-50 kW are planned for the first realization phase.

Late last year, the Skyranger HEL was presented in public for the first time at a counter-drone event held by the Swiss procurement agency armasuisse in Bure, Switzerland, sparking great interest from the experts present at the event.



Well-Known Member
Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
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85 278
The Skyranger 30 HEL

Rheinmetall's hybrid solution for threat-commensurate, modern mobile air defence​

Laser on board: The Skyranger 30 HEL is a hybrid solution designed to thwart the full range of future airborne threats. Here, the interplay of a 30mm automatic cannon, guided missiles, and a high-energy laser (HEL) results in a mix of effectors unique in this combination. Teamed with a matching sensor mix, the Skyranger 30 HEL can monitor airspace autonomously, while simultaneously selecting the optimum effector in response to emerging threats. The Skyranger 30 HEL can protect mobile units on the march or critical stationary infrastructure and facilities from aerial threats. No matter what the initial situation, an appropriate response is always readily available, assuring adherence to legal requirements and the avoidance of collateral damage.

Thanks to its longstanding experience in the field of ground-based air defence and adherence to a clear technical road map for a future laser weapon system, Rhein¬metall is able to integrate mechanically and systemically a full range of advanced capabilities into a wheeled or tracked mobile platforms such as the Boxer multipurpose wheeled armoured vehicle* or the tracked Lynx KF41 armoured vehicle. Thanks to the highly flexible Skymaster fire control system and state-of-the-art sensors, the effectors achieve maximum tactical impact.

Rheinmetall's HEL effectors consist of a laser source and laser guidance system, both of which are integrated into the vehicle, along with a laser weapon station built into the turret that simultaneously serves as a platform for the electro-optical sensors. The laser weapon station tracks targets automatically, neutralizing them with a laser beam. Thus, the Skyranger 30 HEL is capable of effectively defending assigned airspace with three different effectors – an automatic cannon, guided missiles, and a high-energy laser – with the appropriate level of intensity.

Featuring a rate of fire of 1,200 rounds per minute, the 30mmx173 KCE revolver gun is the world's top-performing weapon in this calibre. Programmable time-delay ammunition enhances the probability of hitting even the smallest aerial targets. The Skyranger 30 HEL's guided missiles increase the system's operational flexibility and maximum range.

In live trials, current technology sample systems for laser weapon systems have successfully achieved laser outputs of 20kW. The ability to increase this figure to 100kW is already an integral feature of this technology. The laser weapon station used here has its own sensors for identifying and tracking targets. Subassemblies coordinated by Rheinmetall to interoperate harmoniously produce the outstanding beam quality of Rheinmetall laser sources even at high-output levels, meaning that they can be directed at the target with high precision. The carrier platform's sophisticated mechanical design assures 100% coverage of assigned airspace. Laser outputs of up 20-50 kW are planned for the first realization phase.

Late last year, the Skyranger HEL was presented in public for the first time at a counter-drone event held by the Swiss procurement agency armasuisse in Bure, Switzerland, sparking great interest from the experts present at the event.

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