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a kanadai rendőrség keresi azt az embert aki vezetés közben nyomott hagyott egy szivárványos zebrán. az illető utólag jelentkezett miután megtudta, hogy keresik. nem vicc, teljesen komoly
Granted, it wasn’t just any piece of tarmac – it was a rainbow-themed crosswalk to mark the city’s month-long Pride celebrations, but hey, we’re still talking about skid marks here. Hardly the crime of the century.
Yet, according to officers, it was a deeply urgent matter.
“This is very upsetting,” gushed Const. Kevin Goodmurphy, who led the investigation. “For whatever reason, this person has chosen to leave a gesture of hate on a crosswalk that stands for the exact opposite.”
“The crosswalk itself was a very meaningful piece and it stands and will continue to stand as a symbol of our commitment to promote diversity and inclusion,” he added.
“This impacts the community at large and there are detrimental impacts that it has emotionally for a lot of people, especially given what this crosswalk represents.”
The murder of a young woman is abhorrent, but please, Canada… INCELS are not a terrorist group
Together, Goodmurphy and his colleagues issued both bulletins and CCTV footage to trace the mystery driver, who later came forward and casually explained that it was simply a case of innocent tyre burn, not rampant homophobia.
a kanadai rendőrség keresi azt az embert aki vezetés közben nyomott hagyott egy szivárványos zebrán. az illető utólag jelentkezett miután megtudta, hogy keresik. nem vicc, teljesen komoly
Granted, it wasn’t just any piece of tarmac – it was a rainbow-themed crosswalk to mark the city’s month-long Pride celebrations, but hey, we’re still talking about skid marks here. Hardly the crime of the century.
Yet, according to officers, it was a deeply urgent matter.
“This is very upsetting,” gushed Const. Kevin Goodmurphy, who led the investigation. “For whatever reason, this person has chosen to leave a gesture of hate on a crosswalk that stands for the exact opposite.”
“The crosswalk itself was a very meaningful piece and it stands and will continue to stand as a symbol of our commitment to promote diversity and inclusion,” he added.
“This impacts the community at large and there are detrimental impacts that it has emotionally for a lot of people, especially given what this crosswalk represents.”
Together, Goodmurphy and his colleagues issued both bulletins and CCTV footage to trace the mystery driver, who later came forward and casually explained that it was simply a case of innocent tyre burn, not rampant homophobia.