The forces of the British Army after the Army 2020 reforms are organised in garrison as:Az állomány jelenleg így néz ki:
These are:
Ha az összes zászlóalj 700 fős lenne - mint ahogy ez inkább átlagban 600-650 lenne - akkor a 32 zlj. Kb. 22000 embert jelentene. Valóságban 20.000 alatt lenne, ha teljesen fel lennének töltve.
- Armoured Infantry battalions -732 personnel
- Mechanised Infantry battalions -709 personnel
- Light Infantry battalions – 560 personnel
- Air Assault Infantry battalions – 662 personnel
- Specialised Infantry Battalions – 267 personnel
- Public Duties Infantry Battalions – 560 personnel
A brit hadsereg meg 75.000 felett van.
- A modified 16 Air Assault Brigade and the 3rd Division will be the Army's primary armoured war-fighting force. Comprising: 1st Armoured Infantry Brigade, 12th Armoured Infantry Brigade, 20th Armoured Infantry Brigade, 1st Artillery Brigade, 101st Logistic Brigade, 25th Engineer Group, 7th Air Defence Group. By 2020, this division will reorganise and consist of two armoured infantry brigades and two strike brigades.[174][175]
- The 1st Division, with its blend of lighter infantry, logistics, engineer and medics will provide more strategic choice and a range of capabilities, conducting capacity building, stabilization operations, disaster relief and UK resilience operations. It will include: 4th (Infantry) Brigade, 7th (Infantry) Brigade, 11th (Infantry) Brigade, 51st (Infantry) Brigade, 8th Engineer Brigade, 102nd Logistic Brigade, 104th Logistic Brigade, 2nd Medical Brigade;[174][175]
- The 6th (United Kingdom) Division, which will provide forces for asymmetric warfare, intelligence, counter-intelligence, cyber warfare and unconventional fighting will include: 1st Signal Brigade, 11th Signal Brigade, 1st Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Brigade, 77th Brigade and the Specialist Infantry Group.