Drón hadviselés tanulságai

  • Ha nem vagy kibékülve az alapértelmezettnek beállított sötét sablonnal, akkor a korábbi ígéretnek megfelelően bármikor átválthatsz a korábbi világos színekkel dolgozó kinézetre.

    Ehhez görgess a lap aljára és a baloldalon keresd a HTKA Dark feliratú gombot. Kattints rá, majd a megnyíló ablakban válaszd a HTKA Light lehetőséget. Választásod a böngésződ elmenti cookie-ba, így amikor legközelebb érkezel ezt a műveletsort nem kell megismételned.
  • Az elmúlt időszak tapasztalatai alapján házirendet kapott a topic.

    Ezen témában - a fórumon rendhagyó módon - az oldal üzemeltetője saját álláspontja, meggyőződése alapján nem enged bizonyos véleményeket, mivel meglátása szerint az káros a járványhelyzet enyhítését célzó törekvésekre.

    Kérünk, hogy a vírus veszélyességét kétségbe vonó, oltásellenes véleményed más platformon fejtsd ki. Nálunk ennek nincs helye. Az ilyen hozzászólásokért 1 alkalommal figyelmeztetés jár, majd folytatása esetén a témáról letiltás. Arra is kérünk, hogy a fórum más témáiba ne vigyétek át, mert azért viszont már a fórum egészéről letiltás járhat hosszabb-rövidebb időre.

  • Az elmúlt időszak tapasztalatai alapján frissített házirendet kapott a topic.


    A források, hírek preferáltak. Azoknak, akik veszik a fáradságot és összegyűjtik ezeket a főként harcokkal, a háború jelenlegi állásával és haditechnika szempontjából érdekes híreket, (mindegy milyen oldali) forrásokkal alátámasztják és bonuszként legalább a címet egy google fordítóba berakják, azoknak ismételten köszönjük az áldozatos munkáját és további kitartást kívánunk nekik!

    Ami nem a topik témájába vág vagy akár csak erősebb hangnemben is kerül megfogalmazásra, az valamilyen formában szankcionálva lesz

    Minden olyan hozzászólásért ami nem hír, vagy szorosan a konfliktushoz kapcsolódó vélemény / elemzés azért instant 3 nap topic letiltás jár. Aki pedig ezzel trükközne és folytatná másik topicban annak 2 hónap fórum ban a jussa.

    Az új szabályzat teljes szövege itt olvasható el.

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2015. február 20.
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Ha jól emlékszem az ukránoknál is volt néhány felrobbant fegyverraktár, amit allítólag drónok követtek el.


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2015. augusztus 8.
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Csak hogy itt is meglegyen...
Egy szaros kis drónnal felrobbantották az SAA Deir Ez Zori stadionban lévő fegyver raktárát.
Szerintem ez az eddigi legnagyobb kár amit egy drónnal a harctéren sikerült okozni.
Igen, ezt láttam én is még frissen, ezt beszopták. Hozzáteszem azért ehhez kellett némi lazaság, illetve érdekes a videón ahogy meg van vágva, az eredeti vágatlan első fele mikor leejti a kis töltetét, az jól láthatóan nem robbantotta be azonnal a nagy halom lőszert, később meg vágva látod hogy ég, robban minden. Nem azt mondtam soha hogy haszontalanok ezek a kis eszközök, meg van ezeknek a helye, csak ne lássunk bele többet mint ami. Mert itt néhányan olyat vizionáltak bele, hogy ezek aztán forradalmasítani fogják a hadviselést, sem kézifegyver, sem gépágyú nem fogja tudni őket költséghatékonyan leküzdeni, etc. Én meg elmondtam hogy szerintem hasznos eszközök, de csodát ezek sem fognak tenni, ami akkora hogy méretben tud kellő hatótávolsággal és őrjáratozási idővel szállítani legalább hellfire szintű rakétát, azt bőven meg fogja érni lelőni már egy TOR szintű rakétával is, ami meg kicsi felderítő, akár amit Cifu is betett "racer" vagy phantom kategória, azzal meg max marad az hogy a körzetetben kukucskálsz, mert sem messzire, sem sokáig nem fogja bírni az aksid hogy repülj, illetve ALAP optikát bír csak el, meg max egy kézigránátot. Ezek cserében extra érzékenyek a szélre, időjárásra, fákra, épületekre, és az veszi át felettük az irányítást kis túlzással, aki akarja és közelebb áll/erősebb jellel sugározza be az eszközt. Hát dióhéjban ennyi a véleményem erről a drón vonalról.

Jó és hasznos, de semmi különös.

Törölt tag 1586

Úgy tűnik egész hejre kis drónháború van kialakulóban Líbiában…
- Július 28-án két Ukrán IL-76 TD gépet semmisített meg egy a Törökök által szállított Bayraktar TB2 drón a líbiai Al Jafra légibázison
Az Ukrán gépek fegyvereket szállítottak a Khalifa Haftar tábornok vezette Nemzeti Hadseregnek. A Törökök a "hivatalos" Líbiai kormányt támogatják...
Egy ukrán pilóta meghalt.

- Augustus 5-én egy szintén Ukrán IL-76TD semmisült meg drónok által elkövetett támadásban a "hivatalos" Líbiai kormány ellenőrzése alatt álló Misrata repülőterén.
A gép Ankarából szállított fegyvereket a kormányerőknek. A támadásra percekkel a gép leszállása után került sor úgyhogy még idő sem volt kipakolni. A szállítmány megsemmisült de a személyzetnek sikerült időben elmenekülnie.

- Augusztus 7- a Khalifa Haftar tábornok vezette Nemzeti Hadsereg bejelentette hogy lelőtte a Tripoli székhelyű "hivatalos" Nemzeti Egységkormány által üzemetetett épp támadásra készülő Török Bayraktar TB2 drónt.

Törölt tag 1586

Egyre érdekesebb a Líbiában leszedett Olasz és USA MQ-9 drónok ügye..
A térségben semmiféle aktív légvédelmi tevékenységet nem észleltek, ezért v.színű jogosan feltételezik hogy a drónokat a térségben jelenlévő Orosz zsoldosok - Wagner - szedték le valamilyen, az újfajta aktív zavarással.
Ha a hír igaz, akkor az elég nagy szó, mert az MQ-9-ek elég komoly drónok, elvileg a legkorszerűbb zavarás védelemmel, amiket nem olyan egyszerű ilyen technikával leszedni...


Well-Known Member
2012. május 18.
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Egyre érdekesebb a Líbiában leszedett Olasz és USA MQ-9 drónok ügye..
A térségben semmiféle aktív légvédelmi tevékenységet nem észleltek, ezért v.színű jogosan feltételezik hogy a drónokat a térségben jelenlévő Orosz zsoldosok - Wagner - szedték le valamilyen, az újfajta aktív zavarással.
Ha a hír igaz, akkor az elég nagy szó, mert az MQ-9-ek elég komoly drónok, elvileg a legkorszerűbb zavarás védelemmel, amiket nem olyan egyszerű ilyen technikával leszedni...

Ha jól tudom Haftarék kaptak Avtobázát.
  • Tetszik
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Well-Known Member
2019. december 21.
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Erről tud valaki többet ?

"De akárcsak Szíria esetében, a Kreml Örményországban is lefekteti azokat a "vörös vonalakat", amelyeket Ankara nem léphet át. A jobb megértést elősegítendő az orosz csapatok az elmúlt napokban elektronikai hadviselési eszközökkel leszedtek az égről 9 török gyártmányú drónt, amelyek túl közel repültek az orosz Gyumri katonai bázishoz Örményországban. "

Ebben a csuda cikkben van tehát fenntartásokkal kezelem !



Well-Known Member
2012. május 18.
48 325
83 892
Erről tud valaki többet ?

"De akárcsak Szíria esetében, a Kreml Örményországban is lefekteti azokat a "vörös vonalakat", amelyeket Ankara nem léphet át. A jobb megértést elősegítendő az orosz csapatok az elmúlt napokban elektronikai hadviselési eszközökkel leszedtek az égről 9 török gyártmányú drónt, amelyek túl közel repültek az orosz Gyumri katonai bázishoz Örményországban. "

Ebben a csuda cikkben van tehát fenntartásokkal kezelem !


Orosz források nem írnak ilyenről...


Well-Known Member
2020. október 24.
5 706
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A dróntechnológia fejlődésével, elterjedésével együtt járt, hogy a
bűnözők, köztük a terroristák is elkezdték azt saját céljaikra fordítani. A
drónok számos módon használhatók fel súlyos bűncselekmények, köztük terrorcselekmény elkövetéséhez és
azok megkönnyítéséhez. Jelen tanulmányomban ennek a jelenségnek a
világítok rá, górcső alá véve a dróntechnológia terrorizmus elleni harcban betöltött
szerepét, a
bűnözői célokra való alkalmazhatóságát, a
terroristák drónhasználatát,
a drónelhárítás kérdéseit és
új technológiáit. Aterrorizmus elleni harc szereplőinek
mind elméleti, mind gyakorlati síkon fel kell készülnie a fenyegetésre adott válaszra.
drón, terrorizmus, technológia, drónelhárítás, n


Well-Known Member
2019. január 9.
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Nekem nagyon durva a látvány hogy miként radirozzák le ezek a drónok

Hát igen,
Mennyi egy ilyennek az ára? Mert ha olcsó, akkor mindig érdemes vele próbálkozni, mert ahol nincsen kis hatótávolságú légvédelem ott nagyon hatásosnak látszik.

Az adatok aligha "tűpontosak" :

A wiki a bayraktarra 5 mill $ darabárat ír:

A harop darabját 10 misiért vette india (ha jól értem ebben indítók és tech transzfer is van, azért ennyire drága):

A legolcsóbb amit találtam (5perc guglival) a lengyel warmate, maguknak 12000 $/darab gyártják:

Kb ez lehet a teteje meg az alja.
Ha meg védekezni akarunk a gá. lőszer árak. Nem tudom mikori és mennyire hiteles, de a nagyságrend miatt idemásolom :

Törölt tag 1586

Egy elég friss és nagyon érdekes orosz tanulmány részletesen elemzi a pilóta nélküli repülőgépek elleni harc nehézségeit. Bele került még a Hegyi-Karabakhi háború is.
Csak azért hogy letöltsem én tutira nem fogok regisztrálni ezen az oldalon...
Ha te már letöltötted, fordítsd le angolra vagy magyarra és oszd meg velünk...pls
  • Tetszik
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Well-Known Member
2018. október 30.
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Az említett tanulmányból google translate segítségével kiemeltem a Szíriára, Líbiára és Hegyi-Karabahra vonatkozó részeket.
Ezek csak általános információt tartalmaznak.

War in Syria:
The experience of the combat use of the Russian Pantsir-C1 air defense missile system, which is in service with the Syrian troops, against the Turkish BayraktarTB2 and Anka UAVs in 2017-2019, is presented in [125, 126]. In [125], an analysis of the “duel” confrontation between the air defense missile systems was carried out. Pantsir-S1 "and Turkish UAV Bayraktar TB2 and UAV Anka. It is indicated that the Bayraktar TB2 is an attack UAV carrying up to 4 guided UMTAS anti-tank missiles, which can hit targets at a distance of up to 8 km. For visual control, this UAV is equipped with either an OES equipped with IR sensors, several cameras and a laser range-meter, or a radar with an active phased array (AESA) with radar aperture synthesis. RCS of this UAV is presumably 0.01-0.1m

The combat use of the Bayraktar TB2 UAV involves the performance of two main types of missions: reconnaissance and strike. When performing a reconnaissance task, the UAV is flying at an altitude of about 6 km. In this case, the Pantsirya-S1 radar will be able to detect this UAV at a horizontal distance of at least 7 km. In the most successful combination of circumstances, at a distance of up to 15.3 km. The range at which the Pantsir-C1 air defense missile system will be detected by the Bayraktar TB2 UAV OES depends on various parameters: the degree of illumination, atmospheric interference, the use of camouflage, the OES camera configuration, etc. As the Bayraktar TB2 OES UAV, the American military module Wescam is used CMX-15D. The cameras of this OES allow detecting a tank-type target, according to some sources, at a distance of up to 80 km. At a distance of 20 km, the resolution of this ECO allows viewing in the driver's cabin. Obviously, the OES of the Bayraktar TB2 UAV significantly exceeds the detection capabilities of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system, and therefore the UAV can reveal the fact that the air defense missile defense system is outside the radius of destruction of its missiles. OES Wescam CMX-15D is also equipped with laser rangefinders with a range of up to 20 km. Thus, from a range of 20 km, that is, at a range comparable to the range of the ZRPK detection means, the UAV has the ability to accurately determine its location and issue target designation to it for the use of striking means. Undoubtedly, the effectiveness of the OES UAV depends on atmospheric factors, the level of concealment of the air defense missile system and other factors, but in general, it is very likely that the UAV will reveal the location of the air defense missile system first and seize the initiative in the conduct of the confrontation. The further scenario of UAV actions involves a maneuver to enter the zone of destruction of an air defense missile system, an operational approach at a distance of up to 8 km (range of UMTAS missile launchers), launching missiles at an air defense missile system, performing a return maneuver. group, and their actions will be supported by the EW complexes KORAL and REDET EW. The impact of interference will lead to a decrease in both the detection range of the UAV from the radar of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system, and to a decrease in the probability of correct targeting of the missile defense system. This, in general, will reduce the likelihood of hitting the UAV at the time of its entry into the zone of destruction of the air defense missile system and the launch of missiles. The experience of the combat use of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system in Libya showed that the Pan-Tsir-S1 air defense missile system, due to certain design flaws in the radar, under jamming conditions provides a high probability of hitting a UAV exclusively at relatively short ranges - about 4 -6 km [125].

If we consider the case when a Bayraktar TB2 UAV is equipped with a radar instead of an OES, then the UAV gets a number of advantages. So mini-radar with AESA "Picosar" on the UAV Bayraktar TB2 provides scanning of the terrain with a resolution of 1m at a distance of 20km. At a range of 14 km, this radar provides a resolution of 0.3 m, which will allow the UAV to guarantee the location of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system and provide target designation to its guided missiles [125].

Considering the issue of confrontation between the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system and the Anka UAV, we note the following. The Anka UAV, in comparison with the Bayraktar TB2 UAV, has a lower RCS, a more effective AESA-based radar, a higher flight altitude (up to 12 km) and the ability to use Jdam air bombs with a launch range of 28 km and cruise missiles with a launch range of up to 250 km. Such performance characteristics allow the Anka UAV to successfully engage the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system without entering the area of action of its detection and destruction means [125].

The paper [126] analyzes the impact on the effectiveness of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system of the crew's coordination and efficiency, as well as the combat effectiveness of this air defense missile system under the conditions of group use of UAVs in real combat conditions. It is shown that, in general, the advantage is in the affected area, in the "duel" confrontation between the "Pantsir-S1" air defense missile system and the Bayraktar TB2 UAV, on the "Pantsir-S1" side. However, this advantage can be realized only if the air defense missile system is on alert, its radar successfully revealed the fact of the UAV's flight, took it for escort, and is ready to issue a target indication of the missile defense system when the UAV enters the affected area. However, in the practice of hostilities, a situation often arises when an air defense missile system at the time of its detection by a UAV is either "on the march", or one air defense missile system is attacked by several attack UAVs. In these cases, the role of the human factor sharply increases - the ability of the combat crew of air defense missile systems to respond promptly and adequately to the emerging situation. The standard time for the combat deployment of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system is 4.5 minutes, but in real combat conditions it can be much longer. Often, this time is quite enough for the Bayraktar TB2 UAV to enter the zone of destruction of the air defense missile system (18 km) and to launch its missiles (UMTAS missiles with a range of 8 km). Another problematic factor that reduces the combat effectiveness of air defense systems is that the average number of UAVs simultaneously attacking MANPADS in real combat conditions is three or more, and the UAVs attack MANPADS simultaneously from different directions. In the above conditions, the crew of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system, according to the experience of hostilities in Libya and Syria, either consumed all the ammunition (12 missiles) when the "head" UAVs of the first strike echelon appeared, while the UAVs of the second echelon successfully used their missiles. you on MANPADS, or ZRPK "Pantsir-S1" simply was not deployed in a combat position [126].

As a result of the military confrontation in Syria, Turkey has taken the tactics of using its UAVs to a new level. Firstly, attack UAVs began to be used on an ongoing basis against the personnel and weapons of the regular army - the Armed Forces of Syria, and not against irregular military formations. Secondly, tactics were developed for the use of Bayraktar TB2 strike UAVs massively, in groups, under the cover of heavier Anka reconnaissance UAVs, equipped with radar, OER and EW complexes, as part of solving the tasks of defeating air defense missile systems and air defense missile defense systems. According to the Turkish mass media (media), the means of the electronic warfare stationed on the Anka UAV almost always succeeded in successfully suppressing the Pantsir-C1 air defense missile system radar, which allowed the Bayraktar TB2 attack UAVs to enter the affected area of these air defense missile systems and successfully attack them [ 289].

According to unconfirmed reports, according to media reports of the opposing sides, during the military operation of Turkish troops in Syria in the period from September 2019. to September 2020 In duel situations "UAV-ZRPK" about 20 UAVs Bayraktar TB2 and Anka were destroyed, while 8 ZRPK "Pantsir-S1" were lost. However, it can be assumed that these data were overestimated for propaganda purposes. According to official reports, as well as confirmed data, during this period 10 Bayraktar TB2 and Anka UAVs were shot down and 2 Pantsir-S1 air defense missile systems were lost [294, 295]. At the same time, even if we focus on officially exposed losses, the exchange of 1 air defense missile system "Pantsir-S1" on 5 UAVs confirms the inadequately low level of combat survivability of air defense missile systems, in conditions of massive use of UAVs. Thus, it can be stated that groups of attack UAVs from the target of the air defense missile system, on the contrary, become effective means of opening and destroying the enemy air defense system. [289]. In the future, tactical techniques for the use of UAVs were developed during their combat use in Libya and in Nagorno-Karabakh.
  • Tetszik
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2018. október 30.
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War in Libya
The experience of the combat use of Russian air defense missile systems and ZRPKs against Turkish UAVs BayraktarTB2 and Anka in the war in Libya in 2019 is presented in [289]. forces of Marshal H. Haftar, which, in turn, were armed with ZRPK "Pantsir-S1". The massive use, as in Syria (the UAV group could number up to 40 units), of these Turkish UAVs in Libya predetermined the outcome of the decisive battle for Tripoli. According to unconfirmed reports, since May 2019. to June 2020 According to the opposing sides, the forces of H. Haftar lost 153 RPK Pantsir-C1, destroyed by the Bayraktar TB2 UAV, of which, in turn, 78 units were lost. At the same time, it should be understood that these data may be overestimated relative to the actual losses. According to the confirmed cases, during the same period, 22-26 Bayraktar TB2 UAVs were shot down and 9-12 Pantsir-S1 air defense missile systems were lost, which is certainly much more than the campaign in Syria [289, 295, 296 ]. The reason for the high losses of Bayraktar TB2 UAVs is that, unlike Syria, in Libya they were used without the support of Anka UAVs equipped with EW complexes and, in most cases, without the support of ground-based EW complexes. To reduce the likelihood of detecting a Bayraktar TB2 UAV from the ZRPK radar, they were sent on missions to provide fire support for troops and to break through an air defense system at low altitudes. The result was large losses of UAVs, since light UAVs used to deliver strikes are one of the most vulnerable category of targets for air defense systems. At the same time, countering a massive raid of such UAVs for an air defense system is not a trivial task. Light UAVs, such as the Bayraktar TB2, when working along the front edge of the air defense system, can go at a low altitude (several hundred meters), remaining undetectable for a large number of air defense radars. Low-altitude UAV flight is a risk that must be taken to break through the air defense system and losses in this case are inevitable. But in the case of the use of the Bayraktar TB2 UAV in Libya, in the absence of other options, such a risk was inevitable and justified by the fact that the massive use of UAV groups allows most of the group to successfully overcome the air defense zone and create a large numerical superiority to destroy the air defense system, having previously forced the latter to exhaust its ammunition [289]. At the same time, if you roughly focus on the above-mentioned casualties, in Libya, the exchange of 1 Pantsir-C1 air defense missile system was provided for 2.8 UAVs, which confirms the high efficiency of the simultaneous mass use of UAVs to destroy air defense missile systems of the air defense system ... At the same time, UAVs are cheaper and their use does not imply casualties among the personnel. The main reasons why the air defense missile systems incur losses are: low efficiency of fire control algorithms for repelling a massive UAV raid from several sides (this aspect is discussed in detail in subsection 3.3.4), poor crew training, violation of the rules of operation and transportation, as well as neglect the basics of disguise. As noted in [295], the overwhelming majority of the lost Pantsir-S1 air defense missile systems were either on the march, or they were destroyed when they ran out of ammunition and they could no longer provide both their own defense and covering the neighboring air defense position areas from enemy UAVs. Taking into account the above circumstances, the combat use of the Pantsir-C1 air defense missile system against the Bayraktar TB2 UAV in Libya should, in general, be assessed as ineffective, especially considering that the Bayraktar TB2 UAV is easy UAVs with a limited range of weapons, while its use in Libya was limited by the lack of the ability to control the UAV via satellite communications. The overwhelming number of losses of air defense missile systems occurred due to the successful implementation of a saturation attack against them, carried out by massive use of light UAVs.


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2018. október 30.
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In the fall of 2020, a military conflict began between Armenia and Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh. A characteristic feature of this conflict was the massive use of UAVs by Azerbaijan to destroy the weapons and manpower of Armenia.

The Turkish Bayraktar TB2 UAVs equipped with laser-guided MAM bombs, as well as the Israeli Heron TP and Hermes 4507 UAVs, patrolling the Sky Striker and Harop kamikaze UAVs, entered service with Azerbaijan immediately before the conflict began. Besides
Moreover, in Azerbaijan, at a joint venture with Israel,
UAV Aerostar, as well as "UAV-kamikaze" Orbiter-1K and Orbiter-3 [292].
Armenia, in recent years, has not been involved in the purchase of UAVs. At the same time, she herself produces a reconnaissance UAV of the light class "Krunk", which, however, is not intended for solving strike missions. As of the beginning of the conflict, the Armenian Armed Forces were armed with various Soviet and Russian-made air defense systems, while covering the airspace directly over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh was provided by the Osa and Strela air defense systems [290]. Earlier, Armenia bought Tor air defense systems from Russia, which could be effectively used against UAVs, but they were not deployed on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh [292].

Note that the Osa air defense missile system (Fig. 3.12) is designed to intercept a standard range of air targets at a distance of 1.5-10 km, at an altitude of up to 25 m to 5 km. Target detection range - up to 45 km. Ammunition - 6 missiles.
The probability of hitting one air defense missile target of the "plane" type is 0.5-0.85. The reaction time is 16-26 s [291]. At the same time, a feature of the Osa air defense system, as the experience of its combat use in the wars in Yugoslavia and Libya has shown, is low
the effectiveness of intercepting targets with low ESR (in particular - UAVs) and low-flying targets at an altitude of 50 m. (with the probability of defeat
one missile defense 0.3-0.6). The reaction time of the complex is 7-10 s [96].
Both of these air defense systems are focused primarily on the destruction of aircraft and helicopters of army aviation and are not intended to combat UAVs. Despite this, the joint Armenian-Russian air defense exercises held in June 2020, according to Russian military experts, made it possible to draw a conclusion about the high combat qualities of these air defense systems in terms of potential countermeasures to Azerbaijani UAVs. This conclusion was made based on the fact that the Osa air defense missile system successfully intercepted a single reconnaissance UAV
Hermes 900 [293].

With the outbreak of hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh, as shown in [290, 292, 293], the Azerbaijani armed forces, with the support of Turkish military specialists, deployed a massive group use of strike UAVs, taking into account the experience of using UAVs in Syria and Libya. If the war in Nagorno-Karabakh had been fought without UAVs, Armenian air defense systems would have been quite adequate for the tasks of containing Azerbaijani aviation. It is no coincidence that even after gaining air superiority, Azerbaijan uses its manned aircraft very limitedly, as the remaining in service
Armenia's air defense systems still pose a serious threat to them. However, Armenia turned out to be completely unprepared for a war with the massive use of UAVs, the tactics of which the Houthis worked in Yemen, and the Turks - in Syria and Libya.
The massive use of Bayraktar TB2 UAVs, together with the Sky Striker, Harop and Orbiter UAVs, resulted in the almost complete destruction of the Armenian Osa and Strela-10 air defense systems deployed in Nagorno-Karabakh in the first days of the conflict. Already on the first day of the war, a prepared strike was delivered against the positions of these air defense systems, which deprived the defense of Nagorno-Karabakh, according to experts, up to 80% of the Air Defense Complexes - 6 "Osa" air defense systems and 3 "Strela-10" air defense systems with losses in 4 UAVs [ 293, 297]. Thus, due to the massiveness and surprise of the use, ensuring the exchange of 2.25 air defense systems for 1 UAV! The conquest of air superiority made it possible for Azerbaijan to continuously attack Armenian motorized rifle and mechanized units with the help of UAVs, without hindrance, inflicting significant losses on them even before they entered the battle with
by the forces of Azerbaijan. This greatly facilitated the offensive of the Azerbaijani army and made it possible to achieve significant tactical successes. At the same time, the air defense systems remaining in service with Armenia, such as the S-300PS and S-300PT, are, in principle, not intended to combat UAVs, and therefore they cannot be effectively used to defend the airspace of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh from this new type. threats. Moreover, as a result of a well-planned operation, the UAV forces destroyed 2 launchers and 2 radars from the S-300PS air defense system (as of October 16, 2020).

Such a massive effective use of UAVs for opening and destroying first the air defense system, and later - manpower and weapons of ground forces, is encountered in world practice for the first time and has received the name "drone war" in the media.

The Azerbaijani side widely circulated in the media videos of high-precision drone strikes on Armenian positions. The main targets of strikes are, first of all, air defense systems, then armored columns on the march, tanks and artillery in positions, less often warehouses, storage facilities and barracks [290, 292]. After the destruction of the main forces of the air defense system in Nagorno-Karabakh, the Armenian side was unable to quickly replenish their resource at the expense of new air defense systems. She found herself in a situation where the enemy, having won air superiority, uses it to achieve a strategic advantage in the war.

This makes an increase in the number of losses and an increase in problems in the defense of ground forces from massive UAV strikes in the air inevitable. Emergency purchases of MANPADS, which are now being considered by the Armenian side, are
private, and not entirely successful, attempt to solve the systemic problem of combating UAVs [290].

Regardless of how the further development of events in the war for Nagorno-Karabakh develops, there is a tendency to increase the effectiveness of the use of UAVs to gain air supremacy and defeat the main land weapons - armored vehicles. This allows us to conclude about a possible close change in the strategy of warfare, in terms of the use of UAVs.

In wars of the near future, a massive multistage and multi-echeloned use of groups of light reconnaissance and reconnaissance drone UAVs, as well as "Kamikaze UAVs" is possible. At the first stage - for reconnaissance of the enemy. At the stage of delivering the first strike - for opening and destroying air defense systems, and later - destroying manned aircraft and helicopters on the ground and in the air. After gaining air superiority, the destruction of armored vehicles and manpower of ground forces, rear facilities and critical state infrastructure.



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