CIA World factbook jó lesz? Most bernéztél tátott szájjal abba a bizonyos erdőbe. De igen tudjuk ez is orosz propaganda...
information varies; est. 3,000-4,000 Armenia; approximately 2,000 Azerbaijan (peacekeepers for Nagorno-Karabakh); est. 3,000-5,000 Belarus; est. 7,000-10,000 Georgia; est. 500 Kyrgyzstan; est. 1,500-2,000 Moldova (Transnistria); est. 3,000-5,000 Syria; est. 5,000-7,000 Tajikistan (February 2022)
note(s) - in February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine with an estimated 150,000 troops; prior to the invasion, it maintained an estimated 30,000 troops in areas of Ukraine occupied since 2014
--prior to the invasion of Ukraine, Russia was assessed to have about 3,000-5,000 private military contractors conducting military and security operations in Africa, including in the Central African Republic, Libya, and Mali
as of 2022, Russian military forces continued to conduct active combat operations in Syria; Russia intervened in the Syrian civil war at the request of the ASAD government in September 2015; Russian assistance included air support, special operations forces, military advisors, private military contractors, training, arms, and equipment
Russia is the leading member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and contributes approximately 8,000 troops to CSTO's rapid reaction force (2022)
Haver, itt te szaladtál be egyedül, vagy úgy is fogalmazhatnék, hogy magadat ba***d seggbe...
Ennek két oka lehet: tudatosan ferdíted az információt abban a hitben, hogy a belinkelt forrást senki nem vizsgálja meg, majd ellenőrzi az állításodat, hogy hitelesen adtad e át, vagy nem tudsz angolul...
Sehol nem szerepel a forrásban az, hogy Ukrajnában az orosz szárazföldi haderő 15 %-a harcolna! Sehol! Tehát kérdezem, miről makogsz itt?