[HUN] KF41 Lynx / Hiúz

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  • Az elmúlt időszak tapasztalatai alapján házirendet kapott a topic.

    Ezen témában - a fórumon rendhagyó módon - az oldal üzemeltetője saját álláspontja, meggyőződése alapján nem enged bizonyos véleményeket, mivel meglátása szerint az káros a járványhelyzet enyhítését célzó törekvésekre.

    Kérünk, hogy a vírus veszélyességét kétségbe vonó, oltásellenes véleményed más platformon fejtsd ki. Nálunk ennek nincs helye. Az ilyen hozzászólásokért 1 alkalommal figyelmeztetés jár, majd folytatása esetén a témáról letiltás. Arra is kérünk, hogy a fórum más témáiba ne vigyétek át, mert azért viszont már a fórum egészéről letiltás járhat hosszabb-rövidebb időre.

  • Az elmúlt időszak tapasztalatai alapján frissített házirendet kapott a topic.


    A források, hírek preferáltak. Azoknak, akik veszik a fáradságot és összegyűjtik ezeket a főként harcokkal, a háború jelenlegi állásával és haditechnika szempontjából érdekes híreket, (mindegy milyen oldali) forrásokkal alátámasztják és bonuszként legalább a címet egy google fordítóba berakják, azoknak ismételten köszönjük az áldozatos munkáját és további kitartást kívánunk nekik!

    Ami nem a topik témájába vág vagy akár csak erősebb hangnemben is kerül megfogalmazásra, az valamilyen formában szankcionálva lesz

    Minden olyan hozzászólásért ami nem hír, vagy szorosan a konfliktushoz kapcsolódó vélemény / elemzés azért instant 3 nap topic letiltás jár. Aki pedig ezzel trükközne és folytatná másik topicban annak 2 hónap fórum ban a jussa.

    Az új szabályzat teljes szövege itt olvasható el.


Well-Known Member
2012. október 19.
3 899
6 173
Nem kellene már valamilyen pattintós gyorszárat kitalálni erre? Majd ott fogják keresgélni a kulcsot a harctéren, vagy hogy? Meg amúgy is, minek zárják?

Harctéren nem lesz lelakatolva, ez a civilek ellen van, kiállításokra szokták feldobni a lakatokat. Ez a mostani videó is valószínűleg a Lynx taxizás nyereményjáték győztesek furikázásakor készült


Well-Known Member
Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
44 515
85 735
Supashock secures NATO export contract

"Adelaide-based Supashock Defence Technologies and Rheinmetall have signed a contract to supply Missile Launch Pods (MLP) for export to a NATO allied partner.

CEO of Supashock Defence Technologies Oscar Fiorinotto, and Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger signed the contract that would see 84 missile launchers exported under a new two year contract.

Fiorinotto said that with the new contract, Supashock’s production programs of the missile launcher now exceed $20 million, creating approximately 25 direct jobs within Supashock, and supporting a further 85 roles through local supply chains.

“The landmark technology development brings a new and unique industry niche to the state of South Australia. This contract from Rheinmetall will further boost Supashock’s export activities and cements the capability of our sovereign defence industry. Supashock is proud to play our role in Australian IP development and manufacturing,” Fiorinotto said.

Papperger said the contract signing was timely with the first of 209 Lynx Infantry Fighting Vehicles delivered to the Hungarian armed forces last week, with the Australian-made Lance Turret to be included in the program.

“The Missile Launch Pod, a completely modular design would be integrated into the Lance Turret. The integration decreases target-ability and when fitted with armour plating, provides additional protection," Papperger said.

“The modularity of the MLP offers capability for multi-platform application, the architecture can be modified to suit many land and sea applications."

Supashock developed the MLP in conjunction with partners, Rheinmetall Electronics and Rheinmetall Land Systems Germany. The MLP has a locking system and damping structure. This combined function protects the missile payload and sub-system when stowed in the turret, enabling it to withstand vibration and shock experienced when travelling or performing extreme manoeuvres in combat. Acting as a safety mechanism, the locking system ensures the MLP cannot be unintentionally deployed or tampered with from the outside.

The competitive advantage is the rapid deployment and total disengagement of the damping structure for firing, increasing strike precision."




Supashock secures NATO export contract

"Adelaide-based Supashock Defence Technologies and Rheinmetall have signed a contract to supply Missile Launch Pods (MLP) for export to a NATO allied partner.

CEO of Supashock Defence Technologies Oscar Fiorinotto, and Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger signed the contract that would see 84 missile launchers exported under a new two year contract.

Fiorinotto said that with the new contract, Supashock’s production programs of the missile launcher now exceed $20 million, creating approximately 25 direct jobs within Supashock, and supporting a further 85 roles through local supply chains.

“The landmark technology development brings a new and unique industry niche to the state of South Australia. This contract from Rheinmetall will further boost Supashock’s export activities and cements the capability of our sovereign defence industry. Supashock is proud to play our role in Australian IP development and manufacturing,” Fiorinotto said.

Papperger said the contract signing was timely with the first of 209 Lynx Infantry Fighting Vehicles delivered to the Hungarian armed forces last week, with the Australian-made Lance Turret to be included in the program.

“The Missile Launch Pod, a completely modular design would be integrated into the Lance Turret. The integration decreases target-ability and when fitted with armour plating, provides additional protection," Papperger said.

“The modularity of the MLP offers capability for multi-platform application, the architecture can be modified to suit many land and sea applications."

Supashock developed the MLP in conjunction with partners, Rheinmetall Electronics and Rheinmetall Land Systems Germany. The MLP has a locking system and damping structure. This combined function protects the missile payload and sub-system when stowed in the turret, enabling it to withstand vibration and shock experienced when travelling or performing extreme manoeuvres in combat. Acting as a safety mechanism, the locking system ensures the MLP cannot be unintentionally deployed or tampered with from the outside.

The competitive advantage is the rapid deployment and total disengagement of the damping structure for firing, increasing strike precision."


Kicsit karcsu lenne az a 84 Spike inditos Lynx, @krisss ugye nem gondoljuk ezt komolyan, Vincent?


Well-Known Member
Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
44 515
85 735
Supashock secures NATO export contract

"Adelaide-based Supashock Defence Technologies and Rheinmetall have signed a contract to supply Missile Launch Pods (MLP) for export to a NATO allied partner.

CEO of Supashock Defence Technologies Oscar Fiorinotto, and Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger signed the contract that would see 84 missile launchers exported under a new two year contract.

Fiorinotto said that with the new contract, Supashock’s production programs of the missile launcher now exceed $20 million, creating approximately 25 direct jobs within Supashock, and supporting a further 85 roles through local supply chains.

“The landmark technology development brings a new and unique industry niche to the state of South Australia. This contract from Rheinmetall will further boost Supashock’s export activities and cements the capability of our sovereign defence industry. Supashock is proud to play our role in Australian IP development and manufacturing,” Fiorinotto said.

Papperger said the contract signing was timely with the first of 209 Lynx Infantry Fighting Vehicles delivered to the Hungarian armed forces last week, with the Australian-made Lance Turret to be included in the program.

“The Missile Launch Pod, a completely modular design would be integrated into the Lance Turret. The integration decreases target-ability and when fitted with armour plating, provides additional protection," Papperger said.

“The modularity of the MLP offers capability for multi-platform application, the architecture can be modified to suit many land and sea applications."

Supashock developed the MLP in conjunction with partners, Rheinmetall Electronics and Rheinmetall Land Systems Germany. The MLP has a locking system and damping structure. This combined function protects the missile payload and sub-system when stowed in the turret, enabling it to withstand vibration and shock experienced when travelling or performing extreme manoeuvres in combat. Acting as a safety mechanism, the locking system ensures the MLP cannot be unintentionally deployed or tampered with from the outside.

The competitive advantage is the rapid deployment and total disengagement of the damping structure for firing, increasing strike precision."



Adelaide’s Supashock Defence Technologies and Rheinmetall have signed a major contract to supply Missile Launch Pods (MLP) to the Hungarian Armed Forces.


Well-Known Member
2021. május 9.
1 244
Ezek szerint a Lance torony kenguruéknál fog készülni...

"Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger said the product would be integrated into the Australian-made Lance Turret aboard the Lynx Infantry Fighting Vehicles being supplied to the Hungarian Armed Forces."


Well-Known Member
2014. február 21.
31 159
136 036
Csak párhuzamot véltem felfedezni a haditechnika, és az ipar területén is jelen lévő, "megoldjuk okosba" mentális között.
Vajon általánosan jellemző ez a lakattal zárás nyugaton is?
Persze időnként a harctéren is elég Mad Max szerű megoldásokkal találkozhatunk.
A pumàn láttam lakatot az üzemanyag betöltő nyíláson.


Well-Known Member
2018. december 23.
28 356
100 896
Ezek szerint a Lance torony kenguruéknál fog készülni...

"Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger said the product would be integrated into the Australian-made Lance Turret aboard the Lynx Infantry Fighting Vehicles being supplied to the Hungarian Armed Forces."
Az első 46-ra már 1 éve leszerződtek. A többi nyitott, hol. Csehszlovakia akart lenni, de az nem jött össze.
  • Tetszik
Reactions: Kim Philby


Well-Known Member
2016. december 31.
5 397
16 217
Supashock secures NATO export contract

"Adelaide-based Supashock Defence Technologies and Rheinmetall have signed a contract to supply Missile Launch Pods (MLP) for export to a NATO allied partner.

CEO of Supashock Defence Technologies Oscar Fiorinotto, and Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger signed the contract that would see 84 missile launchers exported under a new two year contract.

Fiorinotto said that with the new contract, Supashock’s production programs of the missile launcher now exceed $20 million, creating approximately 25 direct jobs within Supashock, and supporting a further 85 roles through local supply chains.

“The landmark technology development brings a new and unique industry niche to the state of South Australia. This contract from Rheinmetall will further boost Supashock’s export activities and cements the capability of our sovereign defence industry. Supashock is proud to play our role in Australian IP development and manufacturing,” Fiorinotto said.

Papperger said the contract signing was timely with the first of 209 Lynx Infantry Fighting Vehicles delivered to the Hungarian armed forces last week, with the Australian-made Lance Turret to be included in the program.

“The Missile Launch Pod, a completely modular design would be integrated into the Lance Turret. The integration decreases target-ability and when fitted with armour plating, provides additional protection," Papperger said.

“The modularity of the MLP offers capability for multi-platform application, the architecture can be modified to suit many land and sea applications."

Supashock developed the MLP in conjunction with partners, Rheinmetall Electronics and Rheinmetall Land Systems Germany. The MLP has a locking system and damping structure. This combined function protects the missile payload and sub-system when stowed in the turret, enabling it to withstand vibration and shock experienced when travelling or performing extreme manoeuvres in combat. Acting as a safety mechanism, the locking system ensures the MLP cannot be unintentionally deployed or tampered with from the outside.

The competitive advantage is the rapid deployment and total disengagement of the damping structure for firing, increasing strike precision."


Szóval minden második IFV-n lesz IPRT...
Ahhoz képest, hogy az lett ígérve, hogy mindegyiken lesz 4 db indító... (mármint 2x2)
Egyre kevesebb méz van a madzagon...


Well-Known Member
2021. július 17.
23 309
45 892
Szóval minden második IFV-n lesz IPRT...
Ahhoz képest, hogy az lett ígérve, hogy mindegyiken lesz 4 db indító... (mármint 2x2)
Egyre kevesebb méz van a madzagon...
Dehogyis! :D

Ez egy kétéves szerződés. Hány évig lesz nálunk gyártva a Lynx? :rolleyes:
2029-ig, szóval két év után vagy áthozzák ennek a gyártását is Európába vagy rendelnek még egy adagot!

Ha nem a Lynx nyer Ausztráliában akkor az RM-nek már nem lesz annyira fontos, hogy onnan rendelgesse ezeket. Ráadásul majdnem két év múlva fut fel nálunk a Lynx termelés (2024), addig onnan oldanak meg dolgokat...