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Ausztria valószínűleg Indonéziának fogja eladni az Eurofightereket.Az osztrák kormány spórolós agymenései a hadereggel kezdik leverni a stüszi rokonoknál is a biztosítékot, tehát affene se tudja.Az EF csere egyik sarokköve az lett volna, hogy "vesztegetéssel sózták ránk, ergo nem ér a nevem, de.
The Viennese supreme court has thrown out another lawsuit of the Austrian government against Airbus, putting an end to the decade-long saga of accusations of bribery against the manufacturer of the country's fleet of Typhoon fighter jets. The 15 aircraft have long since been a focus of heated debates due to their operating costs.
While experts put down the extraordinary bills to Austria having bought an unreasonably pared-down version and too small a fleet to benefit from synergetic effects, Austrian Minister of Defence, Klaudia Tanner, implies instead that Airbus bribed Vienna into buying a useless aircraft. Today she commented only that she would "analyse" the court verdict against her agency.
The folks over at doppeladler.com (an Austrian military news portal) believe she will continue to lobby for the retirement of the unpopular Typhoon, potentially in favour of Gripen C fighter jets from Sweden's Saab – which would be only minimally more affordable to operate and just as near to becoming obsolete. However, fears persist the government might still decide to axe the fast jet component altogether. (Source 1, Source 2, Austrian)
De ennél fontosabb, hogy a SAAB 105-ösöeik már lehet, hogy azt sem érik meg. Szóval sürgősen kell nekik mind kiképző gép, és olyan gép, amit Air Policingre fognak tudni alkalmazni.
Mindezt úgy, hogy már az Eurofighterekkel is az volt a bajuk, hogy a megvágott honvédelmi költségvetésből nem tudták őket fenntartani. Emellett sajnos nem fognak tudni még egy Gripen-t sem fenntartani.