Akkor most jöjjenek a szomorú tények:
Az anders tornya, amire hivatkoztál nem automata torony, hanem emberes, csak az emberek a toronykosárban lejjebb kerültek, ez által elvileg védettebek, de azt nem tisztázza, hogy a torony felső részétől mennyire, milyen módon vannak elválasztva, a az találatot kap.
Az Andersnél a lengyelek a T-72 toronygyűrűjét használták fel, de külön megjegyzi, hogy annak az alvázába nem lehet az anders tornyát belerakni, mert: Nem. Fér. Bele.

Az már csak kegyelemdöfés, hogy a torony 12, azaz tizenkét tonna.

Szóval jól sejtettem, át kéne ezt még gondolni.
Annak is utánanéztem kicsit, hogy a Hitrole 2 hogy áll súllyal és az 5800 kg nem a full páncélozott, hanem a full alap verzió súlya, ami lényegében kézifegyverek ellen véd. És az ugye emberes torony..
The basis of Anders' combat system in the fire support vehicle version is the tower with its main armament. The turret is a manned structure with the crew compartment moved below the roof plate of the vehicle. Such structures are referred to as a vestigial tower. The effect of this procedure is the theoretical weight loss of the turret (interestingly enough, the mass of the Anders turret is still higher than that of the competing CV90120T vehicle), because the crew compartment does not require additional armor protection (the crew is protected by the carrier's armor). The negative feature of such a system is the increase in the size of the turret basket and the poor situational awareness of the vehicle crew (no possibility of placing periscopes in all directions). This arrangement was used for me. in
Jordan's Falcon Tower, revealed at the IDEX 2003 fair in Abu Dhabi. So far, it has not been specified whether the turret has a connection with the crew compartment, which may be required to improve some maintenance operations and in some combat situations (such as jamming of the coupled MG, failure of the loader or the need to replenish ammunition in it).
Remote-controlled weapon module and gunner's sight, below, smoke grenade launchers and an OBRA system block
The turret construction uses a standard T-72 tank support ring (however, due to the depth of the basket of the turret, it is not possible to plant the turret in its current configuration on this chassis).
"...The turret of the fire support vehicle weighs as much as 12 tons, the Hitfist turret only 2.9 tons (the vehicle shown in the photos weighs about 26 tons),"