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hat kar hogy ott amerikaba nincs senki aki jol seggbe rugna a navy es a hajogyarto fokolomposait.
ekkora penz szoras csak amerikaba lehet.
Operational limitations meant that Freedom deployed only once in its career, otherwise being primarily engaged in test and training duties. The first two examples of each subclass were completed to different standards than the subsequent examples, further reducing Freedom's operational relevance. According to Navy officials, it would have cost another $2.5 billion to make the first four ships —two from each class — combat-ready. That’s roughly the cost of buying four brand-new LCSs.
ekkora penz szoras csak amerikaba lehet.
Operational limitations meant that Freedom deployed only once in its career, otherwise being primarily engaged in test and training duties. The first two examples of each subclass were completed to different standards than the subsequent examples, further reducing Freedom's operational relevance. According to Navy officials, it would have cost another $2.5 billion to make the first four ships —two from each class — combat-ready. That’s roughly the cost of buying four brand-new LCSs.