Ezt is! A 39656-os hozzászólásomhoz kapcsoljátok, ha lehet a beágyazott fontosabb képeket is külön-külön. /nov. 15./Tegyétek át a "Járványok" topikba:
COVID-19 Genomic Surveillance – Wellcome Sanger Institute
The Wellcome Sanger Institute's COVID–19 Genomic Surveillance Initiative, part of the COVID–19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortiumcovid19.sanger.ac.ukDanish Covid-19 Genome Consortium
Botswanai mutáns! B.1.1.529
New Botswana variant with 32 'horrific' mutations
Only 10 cases of the strain, which could be named 'Nu', have been detected so far but it has been spotted in Botswana, South Africa and Hong Kong, suggesting it's more widespread.