Elolvastam.Feketén fehéren leírja,hogy 3 üzemmód van.Ebből egy amikor semmilyen formában nem veszt részt az irányzásban a pk. és van egy olyan ahol átveszi az irányzást.De!Bármilyen módban is legyen a a PERI R12 az irányzó minden esetben minden informaciot megkap,mert nem a PERI R-12 látja el adatokkal az EMES 12A1-et hanem fordítva.Ez azért van mert az EMES 12A1 van összekötve a ballisztikai számítógeppel nem a PERI R12 és az EMES 12A1 képes távolságmérésre nem a PERI R12.
De tessék,itt van amire hivatkozol:
The operating modes of the PERI-R12 are:
- KP , the commander leads the PERI and observes independently of the gunner
- ZÜ , the commander is watching the gunner.
- KH P , the commander wields the main weapon over the PERI
In order to be able to pass recognized targets quickly to the gunner, it was possible to allow the sight line of the EMES-12 to be swiveled onto the sight line of the PERI. In addition, the commander was able to run the PERI into two index positions, the 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock position in relation to the tower. When monitoring the gunner, the line of sight ran into the line of sight of the EMES-12 and followed the directional movements of the turret and cannon. When the override button on the directional handle was pressed, the commander was able to completely take control of the armament. The distance information from the EMES-12 was displayed at the commander's seat and the alignment mark in the PERI was adjusted accordingly. The commander's workplace is shown in the pictures below. On the far left the PERI and the corner mirrors, which, as usual in the Leopard, guarantee a 360-degree all-round view. The middle picture shows the directional handle with the buttons for the operating stages of the PERI and the firing. The black box in the top left of the picture is the display unit for the distance measured by the gunner. Directly below, attached to the tower ring, is the hydraulic motor with the gear of the tumbler slewing mechanism. The rubberized armrest should enable the commander to calmly straighten things even while driving. Incidentally, the directional handle was still found in the prototype of the Leopard 2, but then made room for the thumb pressure sensor, which is at least ergonomically controversial.".