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“The most valuable thing in war is combat experience,”
“A soldier who has survived six months of combat and a soldier who came from a firing range are two different soldiers. It’s heaven and earth.”
“And there are only a few soldiers with combat experience,” Kupol added. “Unfortunately, they are all already dead or wounded.”
Ezek szerint alig van olyan katona ukrán oldalon akit ne szeptember után soroztak volna be.
“The most valuable thing in war is combat experience,”
“A soldier who has survived six months of combat and a soldier who came from a firing range are two different soldiers. It’s heaven and earth.”
“And there are only a few soldiers with combat experience,” Kupol added. “Unfortunately, they are all already dead or wounded.”
Ezek szerint alig van olyan katona ukrán oldalon akit ne szeptember után soroztak volna be.